Onlar, Hayat’n kendine olan özleminin oullar ve kzlardr.

Instead of forming a monological expression in her novel, Sema Kaygusuz has also resorted to shake established attitudes regarding various social and historical matters by putting people representing different parts of the society and different world-views into a dialogical relationship within a carnivalesque setting. Gönül Malat, Sema Kaygusuz’un kaleme ald Barbarn Kahkahas üzerine yazd: 'Barbarn Kahkahas, diyalojik, çoksesli, çok katmanl yaps ve içinde barndrd karnavalesk unsurlarla çann ruhunu yanstan bir eser.' Gönül Malat Çocuklarnz, sizin çocuklarnz deildir. Hence, Bakhtin has positioned his theoretical views, whose starting point is pluralism, against all types of absolute, authoritarian, monological ideologies and expressions. According to this perspective, the dialogical nature of life and human being can only be represented in a heteroglot, polyphonic and carnivalesque novel world in which different sounds can be heard and people from every parts of the society can take part equally. Tatil, dinlenme, tembellik zamannn beklenmedik ve pek. Stating that the way to understand yourself and the other is through communication and dialogue, the Soviet literature theoretician Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) has contributed a new perspective on the metholody of novel analysis by this way. Sema Kaygusuz yeni roman Barbarn Kahkahasyla bir motelde olup bitenlerle bir lkeyi anlatyor. Based on this, it is a work that causes different parts of the society to face with each other, questioning how people look at the others by how everyone becomes suspicious with each other. The latest novel of Sema Kaygusuz, Barbar?n Kahkahas? (2015), takes place around events revolving around a defilement case in a summer motel. Tatil, dinlenme, tembellik zamannn beklenmedik ve pek naho bir ekilde.

Sema Kaygusuz yeni roman Barbarn Kahkahas'yla bir motelde olup bitenlerle bir lkeyi anlatyor. BARBARIN KAHKAHASI AS A CARNIVALESQUE NOVEL Abstract Hibir trajedi kiisel deildir: sirayet eder, bular ve sonunda hereyin rengini, kokusunu deitirebilir.